Leaders in Groups
In 1893 Miss Margaret Lyttle commenced The first Girls’ Brigade group in Dublin, Ireland. Its goal was to “extend the Kingdom of Christ”. Since then, Leaders around the world have been working in their local communities, through the local Church, to help girls and their families to be reached with the good news about Jesus.
GB Leaders are trained, not only in the specifics of Girls’ Brigade, but also in areas like games, singing, craft, and other leadership skills. GB women bring an unparalleled passion to the program to ensure the girls in their care are challenged in a safe and fun way with the love of Jesus and shown, through all areas of the program, how to “Seek, Serve and Follow Jesus” so that girls lives will be transformed and God’s world will be enriched.
Leaders in Governance
GB offers women wonderful opportunities to experience leadership at a whole range of levels. From strategic planning in the local company, right through to working with GB internationally, GB offers a variety of positions in which women can make an impact- in the lives of girls, other leaders, churches, the local community and around the world.
Leaders in Training
GB offers an excellent leadership/life training program that commences when girls are in year 9 and continues through their whole GB career.
Leadership training is offered through GB, at a company, state, national and international level. Trained women use the skills they have learned in GB to bless not just their own company, but opportunities exist for women to train other women in places like the Solomon Islands or Niue, where resources are scarce and training opportunities are hard to access. GB is keen to see its leaders being the best they can be, and encourages training outside GB as well, to help see “Girls’ lives transformed and God’s world enriched.”
Leaders in the World
Girls and women have the opportunity to travel around the world to experience the work of God through GB if they desire. Regional conferences in the 5 fellowships (Africa, America/Caribbean, Asia, Europe, Pacific) and international council (ICGB – held every 4 years) give leaders from all over the world opportunities to network and fellowship together, to experience cultures they may never have encountered and see God working through GB around the world. ICGB meet in Australia in 2014 and it the best one yet! ICGB 2018 is in Zambia!