GB Groups
Groups (formerly called Companies) are the basic building block of GB around the world. Each group must be affiliated to a christian church or mission and contain at least one trained leader, who acts as the captain, a chaplain and 10 girls. It is in a group that girls learn about GB, have heaps of fun while they earn badges, are introduced to Jesus, learn leadership skills (older girls) and enjoy companionship and friendship with girls of all ages. Groups offer girls and their families a support network and a safe place to experience the love of God in creative and practical ways.
Each Girls’ Brigade Group is part of another, larger group which is called, in Australia, a Region (formerly called a Division).
GB Vic has two Regions- Northern and Southern Regions.
The purpose of the Regions is to provide support, fellowship and friendship for Leaders and Girls in Girls’ Brigade beyond their own GB Group activities. This is especially important for smaller GB Groups, GB Groups with few trained leaders and new GB Groups. Leaders in these GB Groups are encouraged to attend Regional activities and get-togethers, and to encourage their girls to attend Regional activities.
Being part of Girls’ Brigade is being part of a wider family of girls and women throughout the world, and the Region is, for most GB Groups, their first ‘family’ experience of GB.
Cadets – years prep to grade 2 (approx. 5 – 7 years old)
Cadets are easy to talk to. They love games- the noisier and rowdier the better. Cadets are very trusting. Cadets like variety- they like to try lots of different things. Cadets can’t think abstractly.
The GB cadets program is geared to be fun and active and provide lots of exciting things for the girls to do. Relationship building forms a large part of the program, including relationships with girls of all ages where the program allows.
Juniors – grades 3 to 5 (approx. 8-11 years old)
Juniors are generally loyal, love being part of a group and love to work in groups. They are easy to talk to, like Cadets, and love to give their opinion. They are active and love games- both physical games and games/puzzles that stretch their minds. They LOVE to cook.
The GB juniors program is geared to be fun and active and provide lots of exciting things for the girls to do in groups. Relationship building forms a large part of the program, including relationships with girls of all ages where the program allows.
Seniors – years 6 -8 (approx. 12 – 14 years old)
Seniors are a fun loving age but are very reliant on what others think of them. Relationships are important, as well as activities that engage them. Beginning to be able to consistently think in abstract terms, they need activities that engage their minds and their hearts.
The GB seniors program is geared to be social and active and provide lots of exciting things for the girls to do. Relationship building forms a large part of the program, including relationships with girls of all ages where the program allows.
Pioneers – years 9-11 (approx. 14 – 17 years old)
Girls in Pioneers often experience fast and sudden growth spurts, punctuated by hormonal changes which affect their behaviour and view of themselves. Coupled with heavy workloads at school, balancing home and GB can be challenging. Relationships are very important at this stage.
The GB Pioneer program is geared to be relational and challenging, with extra opportunities for the girls around leadership training and group and community service. Pioneer girls have opportunities to meet with girls nationally through FONO and earn extra awards like the Pioneer Pin and Queens Award.
Young Leaders- year 12 and up (approx. 18 years old +)
The Young Leader ‘year’ give girls the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned during Pioneers without the pressure of working towards badges and other awards during the very busy year of VCE.