About Us

You @ GB

Bring a girl

Perhaps you have a daughter, niece, grand-daughter or foster girls who would benefit from involvment in GB. GB is open to girls from prep. Click here to find your closest group.


There are lots of opportunities for women and men to be involved in GB- helping out on company night, either as a fully trained leader or a helper; being a group, divisional or state chaplain; helping keep the finances straight, working in admin; the list goes on. Contact the State Office or your local group for more info.

Friends of GB

Did you enjoy your time at GB? Did you find it changed your world view and you want to give back. Contact the State Office for more information about Friends of GB. GB Vic produces “The Flame” 4 times a year- it is full of news about what is going on in the state, and resources for whatever you are doing. GB Australia produces “Reachout” 4 times a year and it keeps you informed about what’s happening around the nation in GB. Pacific fellowship and international news updates are also available from the State Office or online- find out more here.


Pray for us. Contact the State Office for more information.


Support local groups, national iniatitives or international projects. Contact the State Office for more information.