Happy Easter from Girls’ Brigade International
As I drive around the Isle of Wight (an island on the southern tip of England), I am constantly reminded of the changing seasons. Signs of spring are all around me – the countryside is coming to life – hedgerows are turning green, leaves and buds are appearing on trees, flowers are beginning to blossom, my rosebushes are going mad with new growth, lambs and calves are being born. Also our roads are beginning to get busy as people are visiting the island for a holiday.
As we journey through ‘Holy Week’ we become aware of the sacrifice that Jesus made, the pain he endured and the love God has for each one of us that he gave his only son; that we may have life in all its fullness. As we mourn his death on Good Friday we have the opportunity to look at our own individual lives and consider the things we could change, people we can apologise to and others that we can offer help to. As a church we share ‘hot cross buns’ & coffee together with friends, family and the local community whilst reading the story of Easter.
On Easter Sunday as we learn of the resurrection of Jesus, we are reminded how awesome our God is! Everything that was foretold by the prophets came true on that day. We are born again in God’s love and freed from all our transgressions – we are given new life – amazing grace! Once again we all come together for early morning breakfast and communion. We follow this up with Sunday morning worship. Alleluia, Christ the Lord is risen today! I pray that you are all able to enjoy your local traditions to celebrate this amazing gift!
I hope the pictures help you follow the Easter story. A friend of mine designed them for display at church. The crosses on the hill are erected every Easter by a local landowner as a reminder to us all how blessed we are by our father’s love that he sacrificed his sons to forgive our sins.
May God bless you all and your families as we continue our journey together.
Betty McComb
International Treasurer