About Us

Aims & Principles & Values

The Girls’ Brigade’s main aim is to “help girls become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and through self control, reverence and a sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of life”.

Our principles reflect this accordingly.
  • 1) The Brigade acknowledges Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord according to the Scriptures and seeks to fulfil its aim to the glory of one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • 2) The Brigade witnesses to the standard set by Jesus Christ and gives positive teaching on the Christian attitude to life.
  • 3) The Brigade promotes a just society where all people are equally valued.
Our vision statement

Girls’ lives transformed, God’s world enriched.

Statement of Belief

The Holy Scriptures, being the Word of God, contain all things necessary to salvation and are accepted as the final authority.
The Trinity – the unity and co-equality of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in God the Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary.
We believe in Jesus crucified, dead, buried, risen and ascended, who shall come to judge the living and the dead.

Our Values – Joining in God’s mission

Around the world, Girls’ Brigade is captured by a sense of calling and has a clear vision for the future.

Girls’ Brigade Australia as part of this movement is committed to the values of:

  • Living: We live our lives with God at the centre. Our relationships are centred on Him and rely on His word and direction.
  • Community: We promote a sense of Community and belonging within Companies
  • Partnering: We partner with churches to reach local communities with the good news of Jesus Christ
  • Uniqueness: We accept the uniqueness of each girl & leader, using our individual talents to serve others as we grow
  • Safety: We require safety for all girls and leaders
  • Fun: We have fun in everything we do!