SPECIAL International Edition of New, Bits & Bites 6th June 2024
International Day of Prayer – June 10 2024
10th June is the day we celebrate as the official ‘beginning’ of The Girls’ Brigade, and although The Girls’ Brigade today is one global movement, it started as three separate organisations in Britain and Ireland.
June 10th is also our internationally recognized Day of Prayer.
GIrls’ Brigade International has provided a prayer resource for anyone (girls, leaders, friends) to use any time but especially on 10th June.
You can find the resource here.
We’d love to hear the stories of how you celebrated and/or see the photos!

Breaking the Code of Silence
UNCSW Delegation of Hope – June 15 2024
Come and meet GB’s Delegation of Hope who attended the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women in New York in March 2024. Young women from Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe and Pacific will discuss the challenges facing girls and women and how through mentoring, equipping and advocacy initiatives facilitated by GB, girls and young women are making transformational changes locally and globally.
This will also be an opportunity to hear more about the experiences of the Delegation of Hope at the UN’s Commission of Women and how you can get involved in future GB advocacy projects.
Join us for an inspirational time! Be encouraged and inspired!
10-1200 (BST) is 7-9pm (AEST).
Have you seen the speaking presentation the Delegation Hope made at the UN CSW event and posted on FaceBook? Watch, like and share it!