News, Bits & Bites 30th January 2025
Chaplain’s Chat
After having a number of friends talk about the app Lectio 365, I decided to try it out and, can I say, it has become a wonderful tool during my devotional time (in fact increases the times I stop and reflect).In its introduction they have this explanation:
Join us for 10 minutes every morning to P.R.A.Y.
P: PAUSE to be still.
R: REJOICE with a Psalm and REFLECT on the Bible
A: ASK God to help us and others, and …
Y: YIELD to God’s will in our lives.What an inspiring way to look at the word ‘pray‘. I smile at the thought that even the verse ‘pray without ceasing’ (1 Thess 5:17 KJV) can take on a new meaning with the above acrostic. Within each section you are encouraged to pause and pray. I do so admire that spiritual discipline. In the hustle and bustle to always be doing and keeping busy that our culture seems to demand (and even in Christian circles and churches is encouraged and rewarded) the need to stop, to rest, to recharge is important. Jesus lived by this practice and modelled it by taking time alone to be with God, to pray; to be still. The writers of Mark and Luke give a number of examples. Read Mark 1:35, Mark 4:36, Mark 6:31, Mark 6:46, Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12.
Before this year begins its roller coaster of demands and responsibilities, I want to encourage you (as I am also encouraging myself) to embrace the spiritual discipline (habit) of taking time every day, and often during the day, to PRAY. In doing so I believe we will be more effective in our ministries because we’’ll be more in tune with what God wants instead of racing ahead with our own plans.
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10.
After having a number of friends talk about the app Lectio 365, I decided to try it out and, can I say, it has become a wonderful tool during my devotional time (in fact increases the times I stop and reflect).In its introduction they have this explanation:

Join us for 10 minutes every morning to P.R.A.Y.
P: PAUSE to be still.
R: REJOICE with a Psalm and REFLECT on the Bible
A: ASK God to help us and others, and …
Y: YIELD to God’s will in our lives.What an inspiring way to look at the word ‘pray‘. I smile at the thought that even the verse ‘pray without ceasing’ (1 Thess 5:17 KJV) can take on a new meaning with the above acrostic. Within each section you are encouraged to pause and pray. I do so admire that spiritual discipline. In the hustle and bustle to always be doing and keeping busy that our culture seems to demand (and even in Christian circles and churches is encouraged and rewarded) the need to stop, to rest, to recharge is important. Jesus lived by this practice and modelled it by taking time alone to be with God, to pray; to be still. The writers of Mark and Luke give a number of examples. Read Mark 1:35, Mark 4:36, Mark 6:31, Mark 6:46, Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12.
Before this year begins its roller coaster of demands and responsibilities, I want to encourage you (as I am also encouraging myself) to embrace the spiritual discipline (habit) of taking time every day, and often during the day, to PRAY. In doing so I believe we will be more effective in our ministries because we’’ll be more in tune with what God wants instead of racing ahead with our own plans.
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10.
National Chaplain
Pacific Newsletter
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