News, Bits and Bites 4th April 2024
Chaplain’s Chat
The role of one discipling another is to be like Jesus and stretch people, to challenge their presumptions and push them beyond their comfort zone. (In reality, this often happens to the one leading as well).
Firstly, Jesus taught by using parables, stories that used every day situations/circumstances, that the listeners could identify with. How do we use that same technique?
After reading again the story of the lost coin (Luke 15:7-9) – I realised that a more relevant telling of that story would be to talk about a lost contact lens (I recently searched high and low for a friend’s lost lens) or mobile phone (I’ve pulled a room apart looking for that!).
Secondly, giving responsibility, even though they may not feel they are prepared. I love the saying, ’the best way for someone to learn responsibility is to be given responsibility’. We can’t wait ’till they are ready or entirely prepared’. Jesus sent the disciples out as part of their learning experience (Matthew 10). How many of us began our roles in leadership feeling totally prepared?
If we want to see transformation take place we need to go beyond the head knowledge and give opportunities for the emotional connection and first hand experience. Those we are investing in need to participate along us, in the mundane tasks, as well as being exposed to open themselves to new experiences and challenges. ‘Colour Your World’ is a fantastic platform for that to happen. This is where we see God at work in their lives.
May I encourage you to continue to invest, and go and make disciples.
National Chaplain
The 2024 AGM for GBA is coming soon – Friday 17th May 7:30 online
All welcome. If you need the link, contact the office via the Contact Page to have the link sent.
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