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QLD Leadership 2019


Young women transformed by Christ, empowered and equipped to live authentic, influential lives.

The GB QLD Leadership Development Course has been running since 1992. Originating from the highly successful BB QLD Course, the girls’ course program has been adapted over the years and designed specifically to ensure it resonates with girls living in today’s world.

The 3-year program covers a broad range of opportunities for participants to discover their strengths, challenge perceived weaknesses, build supportive relationships, grow in confidence, and encounter God.

Stage 1 – Who am I?

Stage 2 – Who am I in God?

Stage 3 – Who am I in the world?

Spiritual Development is integral to all 3 Stages, and participants are encouraged to honestly explore their understanding of who God is, their relationship with Him, and how that impacts the way they see themselves and the world around them.

Leadership 2019

The Course was held this year from Saturday, 21 September to Sunday, 29 September at Camp Somerset, Somerset Dam. A beautiful, although currently very dry, part of Queensland approx. 1hr 30min west of Brisbane.

There were 63 young women who participated this year, including 21 Stage One, 27 Stage Two and 15 Stage Three applicants. Participants and staff came from Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and ACT, and the Course was a wonderful time of blessing for both participants and staff!

Course Chaplain, Kim Bertwistle, challenged the girls across the week in the area of spiritual ‘Growth’ – having a strong root system and trunk as a foundation for healthy growth, nourishment and feeding that will promote and sustain growth, dealing with barriers and blockages to growth, fruit that bears witness to growth, and living in a community that supports and encourages growth!

Psalm 92:12-14

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green…

Both participants and staff came hungry and full of anticipation for what God had planned for Leadership 2019! He is a faithful and extravagant Father and exceeded all of our expectations – revealing himself in fresh and exciting ways, transforming hearts and minds by his spirit, and producing growth and change in ways that leave us in awe of our great God. To Him be all glory and honour!

If you would like more information about the Leadership Development Course, including dates for Leadership 2020, go to the Leadership website –