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Queen’s Award Information Session

Queen’s Award Information Session

We will be holding an online information evening using TEAMS to let girls, leaders and parents know what is involved in achieving the Queen’s Award. The Queen’s Award is an international award and the highest award that a girl can achieve in Girls’ Brigade. The earliest that girls may commence the Queen’s Award is in the calendar year in which they turn 15. Girls take 2 to 4 years to complete the award and must complete the award by the year of their 25th birthday. To achieve the award, girls must complete an initial interview, voluntary service in the community, service in their Girls’ Brigade company, involvement and service in a church, two initiative tasks, and a personal challenge in an area of interest. Girls and leaders will be well supported by Queen’s Award GB NSW coordinators, Jayne Reece and Azra Woolley. The information evening will take place on Wednesday 12th February from 6:30 to 7:30. Please complete the form details to register to attend the information session. If you are interested in finding out more about the Queen’s Award but are unable to attend on Wednesday 12 February, please contact Jayne Reece at [email protected]

To register click on the link – Queen’s Award Information Session Registration Form