
Duke of Edinburgh / Compass Award

Duke of Edinburgh

The Girls’ Brigade NSW is a registered operator of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. We run the Bronze, Silver and Gold program throughout the year as well as exploration at each level.

For more Information about the Award, visit the Duke of Edinburgh Australia website.

To register contact the NSW Girls’ Brigade DofE coordinator email [email protected]


Each expedition and exploration has a small cost involved these are advertised on the application forms below. There is also a cost to register to participate in the Award. These costs are listed below:

 Entry Level  Cost to pay on application
 Bronze $ 150.00
 Silver $ 160.00
 Gold $ 185.00

* These costs are subject to change.

Compass Award

The Girls’ Brigade NSW offers the Compass Award scheme to our Girls’ Brigade Companies.

The Compass Award is a program of discovery for Children aged 10 – 13 years.

The program enhances young people’s personal development, fosters positive attitudes towards learning and promotes engagement and interaction with their community.

For more information about the Award, visit the Compass Award website.

To register through Girls’ Brigade NSW, contact our coordinator via email [email protected]

Compass Award Levels

The Program is structured over four progressive levels.

To achieve the Compass Award at Levels One to Four, young people create a unique program of activities (for a set length of time) across four sections:
Physical Activities, Hobbies, Volunteering, Exploration. For more information about the levels visit the Compass Award website


$110.00 each book.

* These costs are subject to change.

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